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Friday, October 7, 2011

89. Player a.k.a. Playboy


when should we label a guy as a playboy?? when will we said a guy to be gentleman??
how do we actually draw a clear line to distinguish whether he is a playboy or just merely kind-hearted gentleman...

well, that focus on us, the audience of the society...the judgement made is actually based on individual perception and assumption...and all of these are actually affected by bias and also wrong reasoning...

it is us who decide whether to label a person as a good and noble person or otherwise.... for instance, when a guy talk sweetly to a lady, we would perceive it as being tacky or trying to pick up the lady...but indeed, we can try to understand the situation first..maybe, the guy is just trying to be soft to the lady as he is afraid that the lady is in fragile state to accept something harsh or direct...hence, the tacky strategy is being used to enable a person to embrace another person...

well, that is just simple reasoning and how you accept other people you take charge of your own mind, brain and perception towards other people and what they did...everything is actually both positive and negative..something negative might just turn out to be something is you yourself who should find the way to control it to be positive or negative instead...

well, I am sure that lots of us already did something like this during any interviews attended...there would be session where we are introducing ourselves by giving our weaknesses that can give advantage to, that is it..the key to understand people without just plain assumption and wild guessing... :)

you choose... :)

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